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Our Services

Solutions | Gears with biz words etched in | SIB

Services to Suit Every Business Need

If your organization conducts business over multiple locations, you have a lot of balls in the air when it comes to managing the expenses that keep things running smoothly and profitably. You juggle contracts, inaccurate or missing invoices and a slew of line-item charges without truly understanding what you are being charged for. Yet costs for regular services such as utilities, waste removal, telecom, bank fees and more keep going up.

If your business is energy-intensive and you don’t have a good handle on costs, usage, tariffs and supply, you are probably paying more than you need to. It’s important to have accurate visibility into the numbers so you can manage them by location, region or cost center.

Whether you want to cut costs on regular overhead services or free your accounts payable team from processing and paying detailed invoices they barely understand, SIB has solutions to fit your needs.
Choose from:

Choose from these services:
Expense Reduction
Bill Pay & Data Management
Energy Supply Procurement & Account Management
Class Action Funds Recovery & Monitoring
Vendor Management

SIB Fixed Cost Reduction has worked with Fortune 500 companies, restaurant groups, hotel groups, regional banks, senior living groups, health systems, grocery stores, retail chains and everything in between. Our in-house experts will do the work for you while saving you tens of thousands of dollars.